Essay on the scientific method
Wednesday, August 26, 2020
Police Monitoring Of Social Networking Activities
My conclusion about informal organization, is that it is where you can visit and have a fabulous time whit your companions. It has started to be where individuals rival each other to transmit their ideal life. Individuals put picture, video and so forth up on Facebook, in the desire for â€Å"likes†and stunning remarks. I think it is alright when individuals are composing and boosting pictures about themselves. At the point when individuals started to show other by posting pictures and video of them, is odd in light of the fact that they take care of business due to hear success.In my point of view, individuals ought not consider posting pictures or recordings of individuals they don’t know. In the event that individuals imagine that their recordings or pictures are to assist police at that point send them a mail instead of offer it with the entire world. It is the police occupation to get the crooks; not the young’s. To my brain is it amazingly ill bred to show the unpleasant; they have it troublesome enough as of now. The unpleasant have regularly not found out about the good and bad things throughout their life, they simply need to be seen.Some individuals think they are cool, when they post image of their wrongdoing at the web based life, yet at long last they are mess oneself up. The police is updated and they are watch over the online life. A few people imagine that it is upsetting to realize that the police are watch oneself. From my perspective, it’s a smart thought since it encourages the police to get the hoodlums. It is generally the harsh how don’t like this electronic reconnaissance since they are terrified to be captured. As I would see it is alright that they police utilize electronic reconnaissance, on the off chance that it encourages them to limit the quantity of crimes.
Saturday, August 22, 2020
Nature of the Al
Set up an outline of the Banking Sector of INDIA. Notice your sources - Essay Example This has prompted rivalry and produced new degree of desires among the buyers. The Reserve Bank of India (RBI) is the national bank of the nation and it intently screens the improvements in the money related part. The financial part is overwhelmed by Scheduled Commercial Banks (SCBs) including 27 Public Sector Banks (PSBs), 31 Private, 42 Foreign and 196 Regional Rural Banks as of March 2002 (Research and Markets, 2009). Also, there were 67 booked co-usable banks comprising of 51 planned urban co-usable banks and 16 planned state co-employable banks. State Bank of India (SBI) is the biggest bank in India with a piece of the pie of 20 percent while ICICI is the second biggest bank in India. The business banks incorporate the previous advancement money related organizations (DFI, for example, the ICICI and the IDBI. The business banks have on their books extremely long-span GOI protections with certain banks holding as much as 45 percent in these protections (Mor, Chandrasekhar and Wahi, 2005). The GOI and the RBI together immediate and administer the working of the banks (Ravichandran, 2003). The activities or the improvement bundle by the GOI has changed the financial business which reflects in the critical development in the financial part as concentrated by Dun and Bradstreet, a global research body. Considering all banks of India, starting at 2009, there are 56,640 branches or workplaces, 893,356 representatives and 27,088 ATMs (IBEF, 2009). Open area banks rule the business including 87.7 percent everything being equal, 82% of staff and 60.3% all things considered. As on second January 2009, the total bank stores remained at 21.2% while the boycott credit contacted 24% against 21.4% as on January 4, 2008. There has additionally been an expansion in the absolute progression of assets from the financial part to the business area which remained at US$ 58.83 billion up to January 2, 2009. Credit extension shifts across bank gatherings.
Friday, August 21, 2020
Election Day COLUMBIA UNIVERSITY - SIPA Admissions Blog
Election Day COLUMBIA UNIVERSITY - SIPA Admissions Blog Go Vote! Columbia University and SIPA is closed on Election Day, Tuesday, November 6th. We’ll be back in the office on Wednesday so don’t despair! In the meantime, check out this great project and related information from SIPA!, an exciting project and website to promote civic engagement and information awareness launched earlier this semester. Professor Ester Fuchs, Director of the Urban and Social Policy (USP) concentration, the USP program coordinator and SIPA Alumni, Nina Robbins (’11) and their team have developed an incredible and comprehensive website for voters in New York City. The website also reflects any and all changes in poll sites due to Hurricane Sandy and any other changes leading up to Election Day. [Under the direction of Columbia University Public Affairs Professor Ester Fuchs, is a non-partisan voter education website that provides New York City citizens with easy access to election information in English, Spanish and Chinese. Simply by entering their address, users receive polling place information (including a map and directions), a customized list of candidates with links to websites, and sample ballots tailored to their district that will appear on their ballot on Election Day. During the past 20 years, turnout in New York City mayoral elections has dropped by a staggering 40 percent. “Building on research showing that easily accessible election information can lead to higher voter turnout, we wanted to create an online portal that provides citizens with everything they need to know about elections in one place,†said Fuchs. In addition to the convenient polling place locator, citizens can also sign up for election reminders, access registration and absentee ballot applications and link to non-partisan civic resources like the Citizens Union and the Campaign Finance Board Voter Guide. The project was originally conceived by Columbia graduate William von Mueffling, a former student of Fuchs’ who expressed frustration after wasting several hours searching various city and state websites to locate who was on his district’s ballot and where he was supposed to vote. Mr. von Mueffling grew “tired of going to vote and only seeing candidates for the first time when they were up for election.†Consequently, von Mueffling issued a challenge to Fuchs last year, telling her if she was able to collect the data and develop an outreach plan, he would fund the website project. “Now, with one key stroke, information-starved New Yorkers can learn in advance who they will be voting for as well as see links to the candidates’ web pages,†von Mueffling said. “With the website, now there is “no reason not to vote.â€] excerpt taken from the projects October 26 press release.
Sunday, May 24, 2020
Essay on The Pros and Cons of Obamacare - 1721 Words
The topic that I am choosing to do is on Obama Care. I chose this topic because the idea of the government forcing people to obtain insurance is wrong in my eyes. I am interested in analyzing the validity for what has been said about this topic in order to increase my understanding about Obama Care. I am not an expert when it comes to Obama Care. I know that this is an insurance that is being provided through the government for the general public. I have read that President Obama never initially read the whole bill itself. I also know that people who cannot afford it, but make too much money to qualify for Medicaid are being heavily encouraged to get this insurance. Some of the common knowledge that I have†¦show more content†¦Many people think that taxing the people who do not get insurance is way they are trying to pay the country debt to China. What does it cover? â€Å"It cost around fifty dollars to see the primary doctors, and specialize doctor seventy-five dollars.†(, 2014) â€Å"The prescriptions cost from range from fifteen dollars for generics to out of the pocket on some name brand drugs.†(, 2014) Some the name brand drugs are mental disorder and they cost up to thousands of dollars for this one of those prescriptions alone. â€Å"Surgeries, x-rays, cat-scans, M.R.I’s all them are half of the cost of the procedure. That does not count price of ER is five hundred dollars and every day you stay in the hospital it extra five hundred dollars you pay every day that you are in there.†(, 2014) It would be cheaper than paying out the pocket for a hospital stay or most of those things besides the name brand prescriptions it the same price. How much would it cost for an individuals and as a nation? â€Å"For a family of three it cost around four hundred and fifty dollars month just for the health insurance. That does not count for dental or vision you have to pay those separated those insurances is total to be around two hundred dollar more, so all together is about six hundred dollars a mouth. The average price year for one Adult is fifteen thousand dollar a year.†(, 2014) If theyShow MoreRelatedPros and Cons of Obamacare1693 Words  | 7 Pages Obamacare Controversy always surrounds change. Healthcare is this kind of controversial topic where people refuse to accept changes, even though changes must be made. Obamacare details many changes, how they will be made, and whom they will affect. As with any bill, there are pros and cons that exist as the bill helps many, but makes some a little worse off. Taking into account the pros that include the minimum benefits package and expansion of Medicare coverage as well as the cons that includeRead MoreThe Pros and Cons of Obamacare763 Words  | 3 PagesTHE PROS AND THE CONS OF THE AFFORDABLE CARE ACT (OBAMACARE) The Affordable Care Act, commonly known as â€Å"ObamaCare†, is national health law which provides mandatory health care coverage to Americans who do not have or cannot afford health insurance coverage. Under this law, provisions and a new Patient’s Bill of Rights, this provides Americans the ability and stability to make informed choices about their own health. The law was enacted and signed into law by President Barack Obama on March 23rdRead MoreThe Affordable Care Act ( Aca ) Or Obamacare?1655 Words  | 7 Pages The Pros and Cons of the Affordable Care Act (ACA) or Obamacare? Who Benefits and Who gets Hurt? Chanokporn Srisuwan, Student MBAA 605 Business, Government, and Society Mercy College School of Business- MBA Program August 04, 2016 Abstract The propose of this article is to present the advantages and disadvantages of the Affordable Care Act (ACA) or Obamacare which make all Americans insurable, by requiring insurers to accept all applicants at rates based onRead MoreThe Affordable Care Act And Obama Care Essay1525 Words  | 7 Pagescontroversial discussion that I was to discuss the pro’s and con’s that comes with it . SUMMARY The Obama care was signed into the law by President Barack Obama on March 23, 2010 and upheld by the supreme court on June 28, 2012 (ObamaCare: Pros and Cons of ObamaCare.) The law didn’t take effect until January 1st 2014. From my research I ve concluded that the Obama care took awhile for it to go into full effect. Some reasons to why the Obama Care took awhile to get established is that it neededRead MoreHealth Insurance : An Institutionalized Right Rather Than A Personal Choice Essay979 Words  | 4 Pagesin this pool, leading to greater coverage (â€Å"ObamaCare: Pros and cons of ObamaCare,†2015). Another benefit of a required health insurance is that it has led to an increased number of benefits the healthcare system now includes. One such benefit is the ability of the FDA to validate an increased number of drugs to break current monopolies; another is the care available to those who suffer from a form of domestic abuse (â€Å"ObamaCare: Pros and cons of ObamaCare,†2015). These benefits provided under theRead MoreHealthcare Systems And The Healthcare System939 Words  | 4 Pagessystems in other countries. A healthcare system is in the implementation process to which has gotten the name of ‘ObamaCare.’ It is the Patient Protection and Affordable Care Act (PPACA), or Affordable Care Act (ACA) for short. The ACA was signed into law to reform the health care industry by President Barack Obama in 2010 and upheld by the Supreme Court in 2012. The goal of ObamaCare is to give more American civilians affordable, good healthcare insurance. This will also try t o decrease the amountRead MoreThe Obamacare Act962 Words  | 4 PagesThe Patient Protection and Affordable Care Act The Patient Protection and Affordable Care Act (a.k.a. Obamacare) was signed into law by President Barack Obama on March 23, 2010. While the act is directed at addressing one of the countrys most pressing problems, it generated much controversy as a consequence of the ethical dilemmas that it brings on. The act provides individuals with a wider range of choices and control over their health coverage. It provides a series of benefits such as peopleRead MoreIs Obamacare Really For The Best Of Its People?1451 Words  | 6 PagesAngela Qian Professor Young English 103 21 April 2015 Is Obamacare Really for the Best of its People? The American government’s main purpose is to ensure that its citizens’ individual rights are fully protected. However, earning the trust of residents will not always be an effortless task to take on as government have many complicated yet sometimes conflicting rules and policies they need to establish to prevent further conflict from arising. Social programs/policies have been enacted by the governmentRead MoreUniversal Healthcare: The Pros and Cons1293 Words  | 6 Pages Universal Healthcare: The Pros and Cons On March 23, 2010 the Patient Protection and Affordable Care Act was signed by President Obama, raising the question for many of whether this new law was going to be more helpful or hurtful. With universal healthcare, healthcare coverage would be increased tremendously, costs would be reduced, jobs would be created, and consumers would be protected. Conversely, it will also raise taxes and wait times, lead to a smaller number of doctors, and infringe onRead MoreUs Healthcare Plan Vs. Uk Healthcare909 Words  | 4 Pagesaffordability of insurance for Americans. The health-care system if funded by a patchwork of public and private insurance with large point-of-service fees. Care is provided through not-for-profit, private and public providers in a competitive delivery system. Pros: There are now more private coverage options than ever, and all major medical coverage options must provide minimum essential coverage. Affordable Care Act ensures that you can’t be dropped from coverage when you get sick or make an honest mistake
Thursday, May 14, 2020
The Rise Of Mass Culture - 2019 Words
Mass culture can be defined as the collective culture created by exposure to the same news sources, music, literature, art and consumer advertising. The rise of mass culture is a relatively new phenomenon that has occurred largely because of the rise of a leisure class fueled by technological innovations, the surplus in production brought about by the industrial revolution and the time the average consumer had to dedicate to non-work pursuits brought about by the delineated work schedule favored by mass production and labor laws which defined the limits of the production schedule, and created a new space for workers and their families. Prior to the advent of mass culture, â€Å"high culture†was defined by the elite classed made up of landed and hereditary wealth which defined the proper forms of cultural expression and used control of the access to this culture to define in-group identification and signal cultural cues which were to be picked up and mimicked by the lower cla sses. The monopoly on cultural expression changed with the advent of the mass production of goods which were made affordable by the sheer scale of their manufacture and the necessity to create awareness of this production surplus means of communication on a scale heretofore unseen in human history. The rise of mass culture was also made possible by the urbanization of societies as nations transitioned from predominantly agrarian societies to ones based on manufacturing and service. ThisShow MoreRelatedThe Rise Of Mass Culture1896 Words  | 8 Pages The rise of mass culture in the United States is a relatively recent phenomenon related to industrialization, changes to the government of businesses, changed the structure of society, and the development of consumer culture. Defining mass culture, however, is far from straightforward. In large part, it may be understood as arising from the culmination of ideas and experiences shared by large numbers of people. Sources that contribute to mass culture include newspapers, works of literature, musicRead MoreThe Birth of Mass Culture: The Rise of the Radio in the 1920s1888 Words  | 8 PagesThroughout the 1920’s, a new era of pop culture was ushered in as America recovered from its involvement in the First World War. Within this era, society was dominated by the desire to express oneself and live lavishly while free of structural constraint, and this new pursuit of freedom was displayed within the evolution of jazz, flapper fashions, and an increased obsession with entertai nment. While each of these events undoubtedly played a role in shaping the pop culture of the twenties, one particularRead More Consumer Culture Essay830 Words  | 4 Pagesconsumer culture?†In the late 19th, early 20th century a new phenomenon arose. Along with the development of industrial advances and urbanization of the emerging American culture was the growth and subsequent domination of the â€Å"consumer culture†. Consumer culture is a term that goes hand and hand with the American way of life today, but in those days it was a new and unique experience. Along with the development of the mail order catalog, advertising became a focal point of American mass mediaRead MoreThe And Dissemination Of Cultural Values, Ideologies, And Hierarchies832 Words  | 4 Pagescultural values, ideologies, and hierarchies is as varied as the historian. Again semantics and semiotics, important issues to understand the full web of the â€Å"word-concept†culture, dominate much of the theory and practice. The most common debates are over naming eras and redefining terms like popular, culture, popular culture, etc. Despite the debate, the historiography maintains four i mportant foci for the construction of cultural values: industrialization and the Progressive Era, the influenceRead MoreMedia and Mass Communications Development on a Healthy Mature Culture1200 Words  | 5 PagesMedia and Mass Communications development on a Healthy Mature Culture This argumentative essay is specially made to discuss the possibility for media and mass communication to nurture the development of a healthy, mature culture. Overall, the process of media and mass communication media development has already caused changes in the public sphere. The digitalization of media dramatically increases the chances of the people to get an access to the information, which is transferredRead MoreThe Rise of Consumer Culture Essay1687 Words  | 7 PagesConsumer culture has developed over the years for many different reasons such as the demise of the social class and embourgeoisement which are both key factors in capitalism and has therefore led to the argument that consumer society merely reflects the rise of capitalism which I plan to discuss within this assignment. The origins of consumer culture have been discussed by Grant McCracken (1998) who argues that there is minimal agreement in regards to the origins of consumer society. McCracken tookRead MoreT he Popularization Of Technology : The Development Of Urbanization And Urbanization1063 Words  | 5 Pagespresents and can result in the elimination of languages and their cultures. The uprise of technology is causing the eradication of cultures. The history of cultural assimilation is vast. The Industrial Revolution, from the late 18th century to the early 19th century, brought important inventions including the steam engine, sewing machine, steam locomotives and boats, electric motor, and the factory system.These inventions and the rise of urbanization attracted people to the United States. This createdRead MoreMass Media And Its Effects On Society1633 Words  | 7 PagesEssay While there have been ideas and mass media in which we have access to, there is small changes in which The United States as a whole has been affected. There have been many discussions on how social media has played a part on American culture as we are becoming more reliant on computers and technology as well as we have in communicating. Social media and mass media has an affect modern society as technology has grown, so will its effects on people. Mass media and social media are, one socialRead MoreHannah Hoch and James Rosenquist --Insiders and Outsiders of Consumerism and Gender 1551 Words  | 7 PagesWith the rise of industrialization, globalization, and mass production, the manufacturing productivity has been dramatically increased and accordingly the availability of consumer goods. And with the rise of the mass media, various products have been targeted on broad groups of consumers. Consumerism, which is propelled by a system of mass production and high levels of consumption, has been one of the themes in art works from twentieth century till now. In regard to consumerism and genderRead MoreMass Media and Violence ´s Effect on Teenagers1252 Words  | 5 Pagesisn’t popular culture to be violent, violence is certainly a by-product of popular games, mainstream music and other types of media. Teenagers are one of the major groups targeted by mass-media, more specifically video game companies, moviemakers and television programs. They are old enough to understand double innuendos and underlying concepts yet young enough to appreciate animated and younger films. This makes them a prime audience for most media outlets. (Thesis Statement) Mass-media outlets
Wednesday, May 6, 2020
Essay on Death Of A Salesman - 2176 Words
Death Of A Salesman In Arthur Miller’s ’Death Of A Salesman’, Miller uses several techniques to show attitudes to success held by the characters. There are many indicators of success in this play which are, the ideas of being wealthy, the performance on their job, to have power and status. Some of the techniques he uses to show this are the use of motifs, the American Dream, language, stage directions and also through sequence in the past. One of the motifs Miller uses to show the attitude of success is the idea of being ‘well-liked’. This is mainly shown through the character of Will Loman. Willy seems to think that if a person is ‘well-liked‘, it will excuse anything and everyone opens up for him. Willy got this†¦show more content†¦Willy cannot see who he and his sons are because he believes they are great men who have what it takes to be successful in the business world. Unfortunately, he is mistaken as Willy and his sons are not, and cannot, be successful. As a result, Biff, a star football player in high school, feels like he can get by in life on his looks and personality. He finds out, however, that these qualities do not bring success to him as he flunks math and cannot go to college, and amounts to nothing in life. Happy is also mislead - he encourages Biff in his illusions, telling him he should be able to borrow any amount of money from Bill Oliver because Biff is so ‘well liked.’ Additionally, Happy tries to make himself well liked, especially by surrounding himself with women, but he finds himself to be very empty and lonely. Later on in the play, as Willy completes his plans for his suicide he hopes that the insurance money payable on his death will give Biff the start he needs, and also proving to his sons how ‘well-liked’ he was by picturing customers and salesmen all over New England coming to his funeral. This pleases Willy seeing that it will result in his sons respecting him. We soon, however, find out that no-one attended the funeral. â€Å"Why didn’t anyone come?†Linda’s cry has a deep effect on the audience. Miller shows us that Willy had lived by his dreams - but the wrong dreams.Show MoreRelatedThe Death Of A Salesman1496 Words  | 6 PagesIntroduction Today, the play The Death of a Salesman is celebrated in many theatres. The play is regarded as one of the finest dramas of American theater play. It was written in 1949 by an American playwright Arthur Miller. After the play was produced, it was first opened at the Morosco Theatre and starred Lee J Cobb as Willy Loman, Cameron Mitchell as Happy, Mildred Dunnock as Linda, Howard Smith as Charley and Arthur Kennedy as Biff. The play has been revived on Broadway four times and won manyRead MoreThe Death Of A Salesman857 Words  | 4 PagesSome stories have stood the test of time. These stories are relatable are leave readers feared perplexed. Oedipus the King is the tragic story of a man whose figurative blindness at a young age lead to his literal blindness at an old age. The Death of a Salesman converts this to a modern society of a man who just wants to do good for his family but doesn t see the effect of his actions. Although 2400 years separate these stories, readers can still relate to both the same. The genre of tragedy is interpretedRead MoreDeath of a Salesman990 Words  | 4 PagesDiscuss â€Å"Death of a Salesman†as a film. How could this film be more film-like? The well known late 1980’s play Death of a Salesman was beautifully crafted and opened my mind up to the reality of some people’s fantasies. When I first began to watch the play, I had immediately noticed that it was a play and not a movie. Usually in a film, there is a hero, heroine, climax, something they are fighting for, and usually (nine times out of ten) a happy, heroic ending. This movie included none, atRead MoreDeath of a Salesman606 Words  | 3 PagesWilly Loman: Victim of the American Dream Arthur Miller’s Death of a Salesman tells the tale of Willy Loman, a man who falls from the top of the capitalism system in a resonant crash. Being controlled by his fears of the future, and stuck in his memories of the past, Willy fully contributes to his self-victimization by putting little blame on his own mistakes. Although Willy is perceived as selfish, it is important to see that he is misguided. His character is one of a common man, he has neverRead MoreThe, Death Of A Salesman909 Words  | 4 Pagesdesire to be the breadwinners of the family, wish to achieve only success, become unemotional and might take dangerous risk to prove manhood. Many feminist novels, plays or short stories such as Frankenstein, â€Å"A Dollhouse†, â€Å"Yellow Wallpaper†, â€Å"Death of a Salesman†showcase the ill effects of gender roles. Women had to fight to have the same advantages and opportunities that men possess. Before modern times, many people would believe that a woman s place is in the home but now it is common for the modernRead MoreThe Death Of A Salesman1024 Words  | 5 PagesVictoria Gutierrez Professor Gilbreath Drama 10 6 April 2015 1026 Words The Death of A Salesman San Joaquin Delta College presented Arthur Miller s Death of A Salesman on Sunday the twenty-second of March at 2 o clock in the afternoon. This play is about a young man and his father coming to terms with the past and their futures. Willy Loman, an old salesman, is dealing with both financial and health difficulties. He is put under even more pressure when his unsuccessful son, Biff, returnsRead MoreThe Death Of A Salesman859 Words  | 4 PagesThe Death of a Salesman is a heart-wrenching story of a man named Willie, and his fight for economic freedom. The story takes place in 1931, and it starts off with Willie’s faint memory of his father, who was a flute maker and a salesman. Willie is a sixty three-year-old salesman who has work his entire life to achieve the common goal of the American Dream. Nevertheless, while trying to achieve economic freedom he ends up becoming trapped in the process. Willie in a lot of ways, died before his carRead MoreDeath of a Salesman915 Words  | 4 PagesDefine The American Dream. In what way does Death of a Salesman point out the hopelessness of chasing this dream? Are there any rewards? The idea of the American Dream is truly subjective. To some, it is living in the lap of luxury in all aspects. To others, it is a chance at a better brighter opportunity for themselves or their families. Arthur Millers Death of a Salesman portrays the promise of the American Dream in the form of opportunity, freedom, success and wealth; the ability to acquireRead MoreThe Death Of A Salesman995 Words  | 4 PagesHope Miller’s play, The Death of a Salesman (1949) was about a family, and their struggles for the American dream. The family composition was not unlike that of an average family, a mom, a dad, and two children. Mom, Linda, tended to the house, oversaw the finances, as well as the lives of the remaining family members. Dad, Willy, supported the family as an on-the-road salesman. At first, Willy’s outbursts were confusing, but as I read the outbursts began to unfold the meanings buried in the storylineRead MoreDeath of a Salesman1187 Words  | 5 PagesDeath of a Salesman There are some who would argue that it is precisely the ultra-capitalist mentality of individuals like Willy Loman that has propelled the American Economy to global dominance, but Arthur Miller’s classic work â€Å"Death of a Salesman†begs the question: at what cost? What does it do to a person, this desperate need to â€Å"be number one man?†Each of Willy’s sons draw a different lesson from his life and their assertions about how one should live offer a compelling choice for modern
Tuesday, May 5, 2020
Of superstition Essay Example For Students
Of superstition Essay It were better to have no opinion of God at all, than such an opinion, as is unworthy of him. For the one is unbelief, the other is contumely; and certainly superstition is the reproach of the Deity. Plutarch saith well to that purpose: Surely saith he I had rather a great deal, men should say, there was no such man at all as Plutarch, than that they should say, that there was one Plutarch that would eat his children as soon as they were born; as the poets speak of Saturn. And as the contumely is greater towards God, so the danger is greater towards men. Atheism leaves a man to sense, to philosophy, to natural piety, to laws, to reputation all which may be guides to an outward moral virtue, though religion were not; but superstition dismounts all these, and erecteth an absolute monarchy, in the minds of men. Therefore atheism did never perturb states; for it makes men wary of themselves, as looking no further: and we see the times inclined to atheism as the time of Augustus CÃÆ'ƒÂ ¦sar were civil times. But superstition hath been the confusion of many states, and bringeth in a new primum mobile, that ravisheth all the spheres of government. The master of superstition, is the people; and in all superstition, wise men follow fools; and arguments are fitted to practice, in a reversed order. It was gravely said by some of the prelates in the Council of Trent, where the doctrine of the Schoolmen bare great sway, that the schoolmen were like astronomers, which did feign eccentrics and epicycles, and such engines of orbs, to save the phenomena; though they knew there were no such things; and in like manner, that the Schoolmen had framed a number of subtle and intricate axioms, and theorems, to save the practice of the church. The causes of superstition are: pleasing and sensual rites and ceremonies; excess of outward and pharisaical holiness; overgreat reverence of traditions, which cannot but load the church; the stratagems of prelates, for their own ambition and lucre; the favoring too much of good intentions, which openeth the gate to conceits and novelties; the taking an aim at divine matters, by human, which cannot but breed mixture of imaginations: and, lastly, barbarous times, especially joined with calamities and disasters. Superstition, without a veil, is a deformed thing; for, as it addeth deformity to an ape, to be so like a man, so the similitude of superstition to religion, makes it the more deformed. And as wholesome meat corrupteth to little worms, so good forms and orders corrupt, into a number of petty observances. There is a superstition in avoiding superstition, when men think to do best, if they go furthest from the superstition, formerly received; therefore care would be had that as it fareth in ill purgings the good be not taken away with the bad; which commonly is done, when the people is the reformer.
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